"It's a palindrome!"

S'up y'all. My first post of 2009 will be this blog's life support system for the next few days, and then it will slip back into the limbo between life and death.

Anyway, if you have been reading the news, a certain inaugural regional youth-based sporting event will be held in Singapore in the seventh month of the Gregorian Calendar, and one of the events will be having preliminary matches from this Saturday. AND one of the matches will be held upon the hallowed astro-turfed grounds of the Victoria Junior College Football (welcome to England, bugger) Field.

The Land of a Thousand Smiles (and 63, 037, 247 unhappy to neutral faces - 2007 est.) versus Democratic People's Republic of Korea (aka the part of the Korean peninsula that is North of the DMZ)

Here's the proposition: There have been calls for a class outing. Anybody wants to go watch? You can also support your favourite political movement!

1. Royalists/Elitists/People's Alliance for "Democracy" - Down with Samak/Thaksin/Any populist politician or who is related to Thaksin!

2. Populists/People's Power Party (Thai Rak Thai 2.0)/Thai Rak Thai 1.0 - Already a strong base of suppport present with the VJC Students' Council Red Shirts

3. Communists/Socialists/Korean Worker's Party - All hail the Great Leader/Dear Leader/Brilliant Comrade! Now fire those missiles!

Respond by tagging, or suffer a nuclear fallout/coup d'etat/constitutional violation of government succession.

Your (ex) CT Rep/Councillor

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